Publishing Export Documents with Adobe FrameMaker

Publishing Export Documents with Adobe FrameMaker This week we released the BAE Systems presentation from TDW-Live#7 – Publishing Export Documents with Adobe FrameMaker. TD-iQ Subscribers may now watch this presentation via their TD-iQ dashboard, if you would like to know more about how you can join TD-iQ please email

Simplified Instructions in Augmented Reality

Simplified Instructions in Augmented Reality This week the Etteplan presentation from TDW-Live#7 has been released on TD-iQ – A look at how the use of clear language is used within modern information deployment methods. TD-iQ Subscribers may now watch the full recording via your dashboard – if you would like more information on how you…

Re-Use of (ILS) information in technical publications

Re-Use of (ILS) information in technical publications This week we have edited and released the HiCo presentation from TDW-Live#7! HiCo presented how they support the re-use of ILS based information within technical publications. Those delegates who attended TDW-Live#7 and full TD-iQ subscribers may now watch the presentation online via TD-iQ. If you are not a…

Defining an ILS Process

Defining an ILS Process This week we have published Peter Stuttards full Day 1 workshop presentation from TDWLive#7. Peter talks about the role of standards and specifications, the importance of process and most importantly where many of these standards, specifications and processes fall short. Those delegates who attended TDW-Live#7 Day 1 may now watch the…

Demystifying Augmented Reality

Demystifying Augmented Reality – Full presentation This week we have released the full recording of the presentation by Wendy Farrell of Lionbridge – Demystifying Augmented Reality. In this workshop presentation from TDW-Live#7, Wendy looks at the major differences in Augmented v Virtual Reality, the how and why of Augmented Reality as well some very interesting…

AR in A&D – Study and Use Case

Augmented Reality in Aerospace and Defence – A Study and Use Cases During TDW-Live#7 Michael Ingledew presented the high level results and findings of the study into the attitude and perception of Augmented Reality in aerospace and defence. During the presentation Michael also looked at three use cases for Augmented Reality which surprised a number…