Augmented Reality in Aerospace and Defence – A Study and Use Cases
During TDW-Live#7 Michael Ingledew presented the high level results and findings of the study into the attitude and perception of Augmented Reality in aerospace and defence. During the presentation Michael also looked at three use cases for Augmented Reality which surprised a number of the audience members.
About the study
Lionbridge engaged the services of TDW to canvas the TDW network and gather key metrics and facts around AR. The objective was to understand the level of know-how, the desire to adopt and the key barriers that are currently preventing the adoption of such information deployment methods. A copy of the report is publicly available by contacting TDW (
Full presentation now online
The recording of the presentation from TDW-Live#7 is now available on subscribers may now watch the presentation as part of their plan. If you would like more information on how you may access the presentation, please contact us at TDW (